Celebrity diet “Charlotte Casiraghi” | | | Charlotte Casiraghi: Healthy diet & balanced diet. Celebrity diet, Exercises, Style & Beauty secrets! Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg) Height: 5 ft 38 in (1,64 meters)
| Age:
years old (1986/08/03) Place of birth: Monte Carlo, Monaco. | Charlotte Casiraghi is the daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco. The heiress is clever, trendy and fashion. Discover now her healthy diet and beauty tips. In the picture, Charlotte Casiraghi accompanied by the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld: Celebrity diet for Weight Loss: Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte Casiraghi takes cares about her weight from she's young. Charlotte Casiraghi has surprised us this summer with a new sihouette. She confirmed us that she's following a healthy and balanced diet. In the picture, with her mother Princess Caroline of Monaco:
Charlotte Casiraghi: Healthy diet & Balanced diet Charlotte Casiraghi follows a healthy diet and balanced diet. In an interview, the Princess says that she cares about what she eats, and reads carefully labels, but without obsessing. "I think there is no good or bad food, the secret is to eat it when needed". In photo, Charlotte Casiraghi drinking a fruit cocktail (grape, lemon, sparkling water):
Celebrity exercises & workout: Charlotte Casiraghi Charlotte Casiraghi is a real fan of skiing and snowboarding. Usually, she rides a horse once per week, "Horse riding is my passion", says the Princess.
Celebrity beauty tips: Charlotte Casiraghi's secrets! The Princess Charlotte Casiraghi makes you discover her best beauty secret... Charlotte Casiraghi follows a balanced diet, but her best beauty secret is an advice of her mother Princess Caroline of Monaco: "It's important to adapt progressively the wardrobe to the age to get maturity with more youthful appearance". She has a great princess style: 
Celebrity style: Carlota Casiraghi's style. Princess! Charlotte Casiraghi has a great style like her mother Princess Caroline of Monaco. She is busy all the year between fashion shows and private events. The Princess has a fresh and elegant style to walk around the streets of Monaco: | |
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